Are you ready to change your life?

Let's talk about it

There are no coincidences in life.

You’re here for a reason.

You’re asking yourself what’s next.

You’re looking for balance and peace of mind.

You feel like something’s missing, and you’re not sure what it is.

You know it’s time for a change, and you don’t even know where to start.

I totally get it. I’ve been there myself.

It would be my pleasure to help you answer these questions.

Let’s speak about it!

There are several ways I can support you in creating the balance, joy and fulfillment that you want in life. View the options below

  • Work one-on-one with me with a customized coaching program that’s designed to support you in making the changes you want in your life.

  • Be a part of a like-minded community that wants to learn, grow, and evolve. I offer a 10-week group coaching program designed to help you thrive in all aspects of your life.

  • Escape the chaos of your day-to-day life and retreat in nature. Join my team of coaches in beautiful locations where you can nourish your mind, body, and soul.

I want you to know that your life can be completely different a year from today.


I know what it feels like to wake up and not love your life anymore. I know what it takes to start all over again. I know this because I have done a 180-degree shift in my life and had to start from scratch.

I want to share my knowledge and support you in creating the life you truly want to live.

I know how incredible it is to live a healthy, balanced, fulfilling life. I wholeheartedly feel that I am living the life I once dreamed of.

You deserve to feel this way, too, and you can.

If you are ready to do the work, I will help you change your life.

Your transformation starts here

The Wheel of Life is the perfect starting point for you to begin or deepen your personal development journey. Click the button below to access this exercise for free.

My story

I wouldn’t have believed you if you told me this is where I would be, and this is what I would be doing with my life in 2023. My story is proof that no matter what your current situation is, you can completely change your lifestyle, habits, beliefs, and mindset when you choose to change and commit to doing the work. Click below to learn more about my transformational journey.

“zarak helped me to discover my true purpose. My life has never been the same since”

— David Heden // CEO of 5D Capital


“I am truly blown away by my coaching experience with Zarak”

I was a bit hesitant at first because he was a male and I was worried I wouldn’t feel safe or comfortable enough to open up. As a female, most of my traumas or wounds come from the past relationships I have had with men.

From my first call with Zarak, all that worry disappeared. He was able to see my patterns and pinpoint where most of them came from. I was then able to make proper adjustments from an empowered state.

I have had many coaches and mentors in my life but working with Zarak is different. I have learned so much about myself and how to make those little changes to live a more abundant and free life. I’m so grateful I took the 1 on 1 coaching program. It has helped me drastically with my relationship, my career, the way I make decisions, and my overall well-being. I highly recommend coaching with Zarak.


“I felt that I was really focused and driven on my career but there were all the other aspects of life that I wasn't paying much attention to.”

I didn't know how to try to achieve that balance. I was feeling empty. I was feeling alone. I was just depleted of any type of happiness. When peeling back that onion and finding out what my core values really were and then living true to them has had me feeling so aligned. And every day I wake up and I'm fired up.

I've really strengthened my relationship with my wife in a big way. We've never had this deep of a connection. I've seen an exponential amount of growth within my business, more importantly, the company culture. We are one big family in there and the vibration and the energy running are stemming from the leaders. And those leaders are both being coached by Zarak. I am totally convinced that that is why we've been able to bring this company into new heights.


“I fought through a really dark time to get here. I did not know at that time if I would make it. I was really lost and I am proud of whatever the hell it is that kicked in and peeled me out of bed to see this through and finally be truly 'alive'.

This whole journey and each element of it were all invaluable to me - I can not think of a single element of it that I wish didn't exist or I thought did not have an impact on me. 

My wife is more attracted to me now than even when we first had a crush on each other. I show up every day, and even when I err or we have issues, we have tools to get back on the same page and address them. Also, I have integrity and it kind of makes me feel limitless because I have less guilt, less shame and more confidence - all of these translate into being more attractive and more loveable for my wife.

I’m able to show up and bring great energy to my relationships. I am understanding of my parents and I am able to get out of a saboteur voice about my circumstance and appreciate the great life I have been given. I have learned to approach things with love and integrity so that my friends, family and co-workers all can depend on me.

I’ve also made more money in the last 3 months than any other 3 month period in the last 3 years. I’ve become super impactful with work and clients. It is night and day.

I’ve lost weight, I’m eating healthy, I pay so much attention now to my body and respecting it and caring for it. I can not remember a single time in my life that I have felt so connected to the world and so grateful, and content. I feel alive. It is one word 'alive' and we all think we are alive; I always thought I was alive - no, now, I am finally alive.

Let’s connect on a call and talk about how we can work together.

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.