ALPHA Alliance Group Coaching

Brotherhood. leadership. growth.


What does it mean to be a man? 

What does it take to be a leader?

At one point in history, these questions may have been easily answered, but today men feel disconnected from their purpose, unsatisfied with the status quo, and unable to truly step into their full potential.

Society bombards us with messages on toxic masculinity and male privilege; many men no longer know what it means to be a leader in their communities, partnerships, or careers. 

For many of us, the scrutiny comes not from society but from within our own minds. Imposter syndrome, past failures, or a lack of direction stagnates our development and holds us in old patterns. 

Do you feel like you’re never quite reaching the goals you know you’re capable of? 

Or perhaps you’ve reached a major milestone, only to realize that you’re still unsatisfied, feel empty, and craving more?

The ALPHA Alliance is a group coaching program designed to guide men back to their sense of inner authority so they can show up as the Man they want to be. 

The intention of this program is to support 20 men, of all ages and backgrounds, in their quest to step into their fullest potential. With workshops, tools, and exercises, this program helps participants to elevate their physical health and mindset, deepen their relationship with themselves and others, let go of past experiences, and gain clarity on their career and life purpose.

Each individual will enter the container with a different intention; while we all come from different perspectives, the coaching provided is truly holistic and will benefit all areas of life. From mindset and emotional balance to physical health and spiritual growth, the framework and process are designed to create lasting transformation and long-term change.

While you’ll benefit from the knowledge of the course’s coaches and speakers, you’ll also learn from all participants' shared experiences. Being able to share and learn in community will offer opportunities for growth and healing you may have never thought possible.

If you’re ready to embrace your masculinity, be a leader in your life, and step into your true potential, apply for the ALPHA Alliance here.

We are hand-selecting 20 men to be a part of this group. If you are ready to step up and do the work, then we are here to serve and support your journey. Please click the button below to fill out your application. We invite you to please be as open and honest as you can in your application. Priority will be given to those who would benefit most from this program.


Find Brotherhood

The ALPHA Alliance will guide you towards your highest potential next to the men that will become your brothers. Personal development is the journey of a lifetime; by coming together in community, we can go further than we can go alone.

Who is this program for?


This program is for you if…

  • You’re feeling stuck, unmotivated and know that you can do better

  • You know you are not living to your full potential and are ready to do the work, face your fears, and explore self-limiting beliefs.

  • You are new to the world of self-development but know that you are ready to make major changes in your life.

  • You strive to have greater balance in all aspects of your life.

  • You are interested in learning in a group setting and benefiting from the shared experiences of your peers.

  • You know you can do more than the status quo and feel dissatisfied in at least one area of your life.

  • You are ready to be vulnerable, commit to your growth, and invest in yourself.

  • You’re sick and tired of making excuses and ready to step up and make shit happen.

This course will include weekly 90-minute group Zoom video calls, a private Facebook group for the participants, and a WhatsApp group chat for questions and additional coaching. There will also be 2 sessions with specialty facilitators who will teach breathwork and lead guided meditations.

See the Course outline below

Week 1: Intentions, Introductions, And Total life assessment


We’ll kick things off with getting to know one another, and why each person is choosing to do this work. We will go over the structure and logistics of the program before we dive into the first exercise - The Wheel of Life.

The Wheel of Life is an exercise that allows you to see the 12 most important areas of your life from a bird's eye view and individually assess where you’re spending your time and energy to understand which areas are out of balance. You will be guided through meditations to connect to how you feel about each area of your life and uncover where and why you’re currently out of balance and how to create aligned action steps to shift how you distribute your energy.

This will create the blueprint for the next 3 months and beyond so you will have a clear picture of what your life actually looks like and what you’d like to shift and create.

Week 2: values exploration & Living in alignment


In this module, you will discover your 5 core values that will serve as your guiding compass. You will learn how to identify your core values and how to honour them to create flow and ease in everything you do. Knowing your values will allow for clarity and confidence in your decision making and elevate how you invest your time and energy into the things that you truly care about to live a more aligned life.

Week 3: Integrity & Excellence


The quality of the person you are is determined by how well you stand in integrity and live up to the values that are most important to you. You will learn how to be in your fullest expression of integrity and elevate yourself through living in excellence.

Week 4: Time management


We all have 24 hours in a day. How we choose to use them is up to us.

Time is the most precious commodity that we have; once it’s gone, we can’t buy it back. When you master time management, you will be amazed at how productive and efficient you can be in less time.

This session will teach you to prioritize your time and truly live in your values with integrity. With a proper schedule, you’ll learn to prioritize your non-negotiables, meet deadlines, and live a balanced lifestyle.

Week 5: Mindfulness modalities + Meditation Session


Put simply, mindfulness is about your awareness; awareness of yourself, your thoughts, your environment, your body, and your presence. In the ALPHA Alliance, you will learn some fundamental tools and mindfulness practices to expand your horizons and tap into a calm and collected state of being. You will be introduced to various techniques including meditation, breathwork, journaling, and some movement exercises to best reduce stress and recentre.

Week 6: conscious communication


Conscious Communication is a pathway to deeper connection. Through integrity, openness, and empathy, conscious communication results in more mutually rewarding and authentic relationships.

When you communicate authentically, you bring your whole self - your thoughts, feelings, and experiences—with you. You show others that you respect yourself as well as them. When you're honest and direct, people pay attention; this results in more confidence in your relational and leadership skills.

It is through authentic communication that trust is built and connections deepen.

Week 7: emotional energy


This module will guide you to tap into your inner power and learn how to harness it. You will learn the importance of shifting your perspective and emotions to become a magnet for all that you truly desire. You will learn the science behind emotional energetics, vibration, and frequency. You’ll walk away with tools on how to raise your vibration, manifest your desires, and connect to your powerful energy centre. The result? Less grind; more flow.

Week 8: Limiting Beliefs / Old Story


The life that you truly want will require you to adopt beliefs that support your intended future.

The intention of this module is to really take a look at your internal story and examine when your core beliefs were developed and how they are serving you now. Do they match the future you are trying to create?

You will reflect on past experiences that contributed to your belief systems and consider their impact. By the end of this module, you will release the perspectives that no longer serve you and create the space to craft a new, more empowering and authentic story.

Week 9: Group breathwork


Breathwork is just one of the mindfulness modalities you will learn in this program.

Together, we will unlock stuck energy, nourish our cellular matrix, and expand our consciousness through an Elemental Rhythm Breathwork session. Controlled breathing is a very powerful tool for spiritual development and energy release, and will be a tool for you to utilize in your personal development journey.

Week 10: future self


The intention of this module is to connect you with your future-self to help guide you towards the life you want to create. Through visualizations, exercises, and meditations, you can call on your own inner wisdom for support in making choices that lead you towards your dream life.

Week 11: Integration & Accountability


When we talk about “doing the work” in self-development, the easiest part is learning. The most challenging part is implementing the tools you’ve learned and the consistent practice of integrating this new knowledge into your life. Having personal accountability is the backbone of how you honour the self-discoveries you’ve experienced in the program. 

Week 12:  Course completion session


As we close the container, each participant will have the space to share their experience and what has shifted in their life from this program. This will be the opportunity to be seen by your fellow brothers and acknowledge one another for the work that was done.


Meditation session with Farzana Jaffer (Week 5)

There are many different ways to meditate and many reasons why you should do it daily. Farzana is a meditation coach, keynote speaker, and best selling author who has been meditating since she was 3 years old. She will be leading a session to share the many benefits of meditation and teach techniques that will help you learn and deepen your practice.

To learn more about Farzana click here

Pillars of the alpha alliance

This program will offer a diverse range of knowledge and tools. It is designed to provide valuable lessons that will support you in elevating your mental and physical health, relationships, mindfulness, clarity, purpose, and career.


Through our work together you will have major shifts in your perspective as you develop a new paradigm to experience life. Having an empowered mindset is the differentiating factor between those that thrive and those that are fighting to survive.


Our emotional state, left unchecked, can consume our thoughts and actions. Developing awareness of our emotions is essential to managing them, so we can operate from a state of clarity and empowerment.


    Without health we have nothing; yet we often invest our time and energy into things of less importance. Optimizing your health is a key component for every life goal - personal, professional, and relational.


    We are living in truly unprecedented times as humanity is going through a massive shift in consciousness. While the world may be chaotic, you can find peace by connecting with your spiritual center. Developing this relationship with yourself and with your higher power is critical to move through the world with ease and confidence.

“Personal development is something that only you can do, however you don’t need to do it alone.”

Program Investment

You have 2 options:

Sliding scale model (pay what you can)

ALPHA Alliance is for men of all ages and backgrounds. We are offering this program on a “sliding scale” structure. We do not want financial limitations to be the obstacle stopping you from receiving the support you need. In your application, please share what you can realistically afford monthly for the program.

Alliance program ($1997)

+ add on 4 private sessions ($1497)

To make the most of this program, we are offering additional support in the form of 1-on-1 coaching. Zarak will offer participants 4 x 45-minute private coaching sessions for an investment of $1,497.  One session will be scheduled before the group container, two sessions will be scheduled during the course duration; and the final session will be scheduled after the course completes. 

The initial coaching session will clarify your goals and focus your energy on the program. The 2 sessions scheduled during the program will allow you to dive deeper into the content and receive personalized feedback from Zarak. The final call will focus on integrating the material from the course while co-creating a structure to an action plan to carry the information back into your day-to-day life. This additional support is invaluable as you strive to make lasting changes in your life.

Words from my clients

Watch and hear how my clients have benefitted from our coaching together

“I found my weekly calls with Zarak to be an invaluable source of advice, motivation, and guidance. Having connected with like-minded individuals who are supportive, candid, and easy to talk to. We have all quickly become friends and look forward to our conversations. These weekly calls provided me with advice and tools for thinking through how to manage my current situation. Zarak truly cares about you and believes in your abilities. I am looking forward to my growth with the additional coaching.”

— Raj G

“As a member of Zarak’s Elevated Leadership group, it has been an absolute joy to connect with individuals that are on the same path. To have a group that you can work with on similar occurrences or problems in life, to discuss thoughts openly, and to just be more present for fellow humans has been one of my best experiences this year. I look forward to our calls. Zarak and his team of coaches and advisors have been so amazing to work with, and they have changed my mindset and my life for the better.”

— Matt D

If you would like more information about how you can join the alpha alliance program, click below